Foo Foods - the first brand to launch ready to fry kallumakkaya nirachath

Foo Foods - the first brand to launch ready to fry kallumakkaya nirachath

Foo Foods is a Calicut based value-added food product brand that aims to make traditional and ethnic foods accessible to urban people with utmost convenience and freshness combining technology. We pursue the best technologies in food processing to evade preservatives. At Foo Foods, we utilize retort processing technology, a universally proven standard for quality preservation, with which all products can be stored at normal room temperature for up to 12 months of shelf life without refrigerating or freezing, and the access to distribute products unconditionally beyond the season, location etc. This enables us to deliver products that are easy to carry, shelf and consume. The approach to serving customers with quality products and satisfying the cravings for traditional delicacies has indeed been reflected in our growth. Strong support through direct customers in the market, both the traditional customers and online retail store customers, always reach out to us to share their experience. Apart from the supply chain, Foo Foods serves the entirety of India, supported by our online retail store. The experience in the processed food industry and the lacuna we look forward to filling, has motivated us to take the brand Foo Foods to more heights. We are looking forward to including more line of products, which shall soon enter the market.
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